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2024 CCAP Annual Report Now Available
House and Senate Appropriations Budget Hearings
House and Senate Appropriations committees will be holding hearings on the Governor's FY 2025-2026 commonwealth budget.
Gov. Shapiro Delivers FY 2025-2026 Budget Proposals, County Budget Analysis Available
Following Gov. Shapiro's presentation of his FY 2025-2026 budget, CCAP has completed a detailed narrative analyzing the impacts to county line items.
Counties on Proposed Budget: Mental Health Services Funding Falls Massively Short
The proposed $20 million increase will not be sufficient enough to help counties navigate through a worsening crisis.
County Leaders Announce 2025 Legislative Priorities
For these three priorities to come to fruition, counties are relying on a strong partnership with the legislature and the Shapiro administration.
Registration Now Open: 2025 CCAP Spring Conference
Save the Date: NACo Annual Conference in Philadelphia
The NACo Annual Conference is the premier gathering of leaders from the nation’s 3,069 counties, parishes and boroughs.
CCAP Workgroup Testifies on Findings and Recommendations of Complex Case Report
Complex cases are situations where minors, who are in the custody of the county, are not receiving the level of care sufficient to meet their mental, behavioral or physical needs.
Lycoming County Receives Road and Bridge Safety Improvement Award Second Year in a Row
Lycoming County bundled together bridge replacements from 17 different municipalities into a single project with the county as project manager.
CCAP Announces 2025 Officers and Awards Recipients at Annual Conference
During the conference, members of the association elected Indiana County Commissioner Sherene Hess to be their 2025 president.
County Impacts of FY 2024-2025 Budget
CCAP Completes Analysis of Impacts to County Line Items from the FY 2024-2025 Budget
Governor Signs Budget Bill Into Law
On July 11, Gov. Shapiro signed the general appropriations bill containing spending amounts for FY 2024-2025 budget
County Priority Issues Left in Limbo as State Budget Negotiations Continue
As budget negotiations continue ahead of the start of the 2024-2025 fiscal year, county priority issues, including mental health funding, 911 updates and others are left in limbo.
CCAP Announces 2024 Graduates of Center for Excellence in County Leadership
The CEL program fosters individual growth through interactive and high-level executive training aimed at improving participants’ communication, management and leadership skills.
"Absolute disaster looming”: County Leaders Speak on Mental Health Funding
Given the severity of the situation, Pennsylvania counties are hopeful that the General Assembly and Administration will seriously address county mental health funding in the upcoming state budget.
Mental Health cannot be a “Counties vs Schools” Issue
Mental health funding is not a game. There should never be a political chess match that pits schools vs counties when vying for appropriate levels of funding.
County Leaders Call for Immediate Action on Mental Health Funding
“We do not have time for political posturing. We cannot afford to bicker or play games with something as important as the mental health of our population,”
PA Counties: HB847 provides rational, commonsense change
Governor Shapiro Addresses County Issues at CCAP Conference
The Governor spoke on topics such as mental health funding, 911 funding, and election security.
2023 CCAP Annual Report Now Available
County Leader Workgroup Releases Findings and Recommendations for Complex Cases
The report shows that between January 1 and June 30 of 2023, over 250 youth slept somewhere other than a licensed placement facility.
Gov. Shapiro Delivers FY 2024-2025 Budget Proposals, County Budget Analysis Available
Following Gov. Shapiro's presentation of his FY 2024-2025 budget, CCAP has completed a detailed narrative analyzing the impacts to county line items.
County Mental Health Services Glossed Over Once Again
Counties can no longer sit by and watch costs increase, demand for services skyrocket and workforces dwindle while the funding continues to fall massively short.
County Connections: Juvenile Detention Capacity Crisis and Mental Health Funding
County Connections is CCAP's 30-min program aimed at educating viewers about county government's role in a number of issues.
House and Senate Appropriations Budget Hearings
House and Senate Appropriations committees will be holding hearings on the Governor's FY 2024-2025 commonwealth budget.
FY 2024 - 2025 Governor's Budget Address
The House and Senate will convene in joint session Tuesday, February 6, to hear the annual budget address which will preview Governor Shapiro's proposed FY 2024-2025 budget.
911 Funding, Mental Health Headline Pa Counties’ Legislative Priorities in 2024
The 2024 priorities were selected by CCAP members as the issues with the greatest significance and most potential for positive impact to counties in the coming year.
Empowering Leadership Excellence
Enroll now in the Academy for Excellence in County Government.
Governor Signs Code Bills for FY 2023-2024 Budget Implementation
The General Assembly and Governor approve Code bills providing for further implementation of the FY 2023-2024 state budget.
Counties Profoundly Disappointed in General Assembly’s Actions on 911 Funding
Our state leaders have failed our mutual constituents by continuing the trend of putting more pressure on the backs of county property taxpayers to fund services like 911.
PA County Elections Results
See the results in the November General Election
Counties encouraged by creation of Pennsylvania Behavioral Health Council
As the ones who coordinate and provide these critical services at the local level, counties stand ready to be an active partner in these timely and important conversations.
CCAP Announces 2024 Officers and Awards Recipients
CCAP elected their 2024 officers and presented seven county government awards during its 137th Annual Conference and Trade Show
Governor Signs Budget Bill Into Law
On August 3, Gov. Shapiro signed the general appropriations bill containing spending amounts for the FY 2023-2024 budget
Pennsylvania Counties Respond to Month-long State Budget Stalemate
The sky might not be falling yet, but we have to prepare for what could be a grim reality.
County Impacts of FY 2023-2024 Budget
CCAP Completes Analysis of Impacts to County Line Items from HB 611
House Passes Budget with Governor's Pledge
Late Wednesday, the House passed HB 611, which contained the FY 2023-2024 state budget with a promise from the Governor to eliminate school-choice funding
Senate Amends and Passes Budget Bill
On Friday, the Senate Appropriations Committee amended HB 611, which was passed by the full Senate Friday afternoon
CCAP Announces Graduates from Center for Excellence in County Leadership
The CEL program focuses on fostering individual growth through interactive and immersive training aimed at improving participants’ communication, decision-making, and leadership skills.
House Appropriations Committee Amends Budget Bill
On Monday, the House Appropriations Committee amended HB 611

County Connections

This episode revolves around how counties conduct elections from start to finish. Guests include Montgomery County Commissioner Ken Lawrence, York County Commissioner Julie Wheeler and Lycoming County Director of Elections and Registration Forrest Lehman. County Connections is hosted by CCAP Executive Director Lisa Schaefer.