CCAP provides timely, accurate information to keep members current with what is going on in Harrisburg and tools for members to engage in local advocacy through the Legislative Action Center.
Advocacy Resources

County officials and their staff have an important role to play in advocating for policy changes at the state level. The Legislative Action Center is the hub for member grassroots materials including talking points, sample letters and other resources counties can use to contact their legislators.

CCAP's bi-weekly Legislative Bulletin keeps counties up-to-date on the latest news from Harrisburg, including information on recent bill movements, hearings and events. See our archived list for past issues.

CCAP and its members are often called upon to provide testimony to legislative committees.

CCAP's membership-selected priorities are the areas of primary legislative focus that guide the organization's activities with legislators. They are revised annually to stay current with ever-changing issues and concerns and to help counties continually provide critical services.
News and Information

Get the latest news on the Pennsylvania State Budget.

Throughout the CCAP's website you will find valuable information on legislative, policy, media, public education, and membership services matters.

CCAP policy committees work throughout the year to determine resolutions that constitute the organization's County Platform, the guiding document for actions to be taken to enhance the lives of county residents.

The Resources and Reports page houses background information on current policy, enacted legislation, CCAP task forces and other topical resources that may be useful to counties.