CCAP offers valuable, innovative programs related to insurance, education, technology and affiliate partnerships. Members reap the benefits of professional planning and representation by CCAP staff, along with regular opportunities to network and influence those who can make our counties stronger. View all and explore our programs below.
Educational Programs

The Academy for Excellence in County Government is a certificate training program for county commissioners, council members, county executives, administrators and assistant administrators, chief clerks and assistant chief clerks, solicitors and assistant solicitors, and their equivalents in home rule counties.

The Center for Excellence in County Leadership (CEL) program is offered to help county officials develop a professional culture for county government. Focusing on offering engaging and immersive training programs designed to enhance communication, decision-making, and leadership abilities.
Insurance Programs

CCAP and the Delaware Valley Health Trust (DVHT) have partnered to offer an alternative to the commercial health insurance market, providing Pennsylvania counties with upfront savings, enhanced benefits and long-term cost stability.

A Reciprocal Risk Retention Group, which offers stop loss insurance for those counties implementing the behavioral managed healthcare program, HealthChoices.

Patient Trust Funds Bonds - A group bond program for patient trust fund bonds for county owned and affiliated nursing homes.

PA Counties Workers' Compensation Trust - PComp provides workers' compensation coverage for employees of counties and county related entities which includes risk control, claims services and training.

PA Counties Risk Pool - PCoRP provides property, liability, automobile and other related insurance coverages, loss control, claims services and training to Pennsylvania counties and county related entities.

Nursing Home Liability and Professional Coverages - A Reciprocal Risk Retention Group, which provides Professional Liability and General Liability Insurance coverage.

This program is insured through an A.M. Best "A+" rated carrier surety. Surety bond program for counties to purchase bonds (as required by law) for tax collectors.

The UC Trust provides unemployment compensation insurance for county employees.

The program, initiated on June 4, 1999, currently extends its coverage to multiple counties in Pennsylvania. It provides insurance for county volunteers, including those injured while volunteering for the county or county-affiliated organizations. Additionally, the program can offer coverage for work release inmates, inmates with alternative sentences, nursing home volunteers, and participants in juvenile tobacco enforcement activities.
Technology Programs

CCAP Technology Services has established several statewide enterprise agreements that meet the needs of the counties and their affiliated local government entities. These agreements provide discounted pricing models to counties. Some of the stated enterprise agreements currently include Microsoft, VMWare, Splunk and Adobe.

The Technology CORE program is designed to offer a wealth of technology and cybersecurity products, services and resources while simultaneously delivering exceptional value and assisting in the technological advancement of your county. Starting in 2023 the Technology CORE program is available to all PA counties at no cost.

The program is designed to engage and connect industry leading technology vendors with Pennsylvania county government. It enables opportunities for technology vendors to share, present and collaborate with county officials on cybersecurity, technology initiatives and current trends. In addition, it provides products, services and cost-saving programs and solutions for the technological support, advancement and betterment of all counties.

Our Web Program is for members by members. Our solution, Kentico, is flexible and is feature-rich to enhance content presentation and support your digital journey.
Vendor Programs

Associate membership in CCAP is your connection to key decision makers.

Our program exists to engage and connect industry leading technology vendors with Pennsylvania County Government.