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CCAP UC Trust Unemployement Compensation Trust logo

UC Trust  provides unemployment compensation coverage for employees of counties and county related entities.


For more information about how your county can save money on unemployment compensation insurance contact:

Membership Listing

UC Trust Membership Map

Program Benefits

Member Benefits

Employee Assistance Program (EAP): The Employee Assistance Program is available to all CCAP UC Trust member county's full-time and regular part-time employees and their immediate family members through a contractual agreement with Mazzitti & Sullivan EAP Services.

The service provides up to three counseling sessions per problem situation at no cost. The cost of additional help beyond the three sessions for a specific problem may be payable through the employees insurance benefits. Insurance benefits, costs, and referral options are explained to the employee during the initial free consultation. Most importantly the service is strictly confidential and information is not released to family, friends, or employers without the employees consent in writing. 

Free or Discounted Training Opportunities: All employees of a CCAP UC Trust member county receive free or discounted registration fees to attend the following  CCAP Insurance Programs Workshops:

  • KEYS Workshops - FREE
  • UC Trust Sponsored Workshops - FREE
  • County Administration Conference (2-day event) - Member Rate

For more information on workshop dates, topics and locations, click here.

Claims Administration and Cost Control Services: Corporate Cost Control provides the following Claim Control Services to members of the CCAP UC Trust:

  • Claims Management
  • Hearing Representation
  • Benefit Charge Auditing
  • Tax Rate Verification, Voluntary Contributions, Joint Accounts, Tax Rate Forecasting and Budgeting
  • Customized and Web Based Reports
  • Ongoing Education and Training

Risk Control Incentive Program

Since 2009, the CCAP UC Trust has been offering the Risk Control Incentive Program to recognize the annual loss control activities conducted within each member county and county related entity. Properly implemented risk control activities, such as education, updated policies and procedures and timely reporting, can help reduce the costs of unemployment charges before a separation even occurs. Members have the opportunity to earn credits, a maximum of five percent, towards their quarterly contributions to the Trust upon satisfactory completion or implementation of qualified risk control related activities. This document outlines the Trust’s expectations, defining satisfactory completion and implementation.

Members must be in good standing (all quarterly contribution payments received and accounted for) in order to participate in the CCAP UC Trust Risk Control Incentive Program.

2025 Risk Control Incentive Program Document

Online Activity Reporting Form