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KEYS: HR Boot Camp

Start Date: 10/22/2024 10:00:00 AM
End Date: 10/22/2024 3:00:00 PM
Recruitment and Retention Strategies - Creating a More Diverse and Inclusive Workplace – Representatives from Campbell Durrant P.C.

This session will identify policies that you should be updating not only to comply with anti-discrimination laws but also to maximize recruitment and retention. The session will also review the recent U.S. Supreme Court precedent relating to affirmative action and the impact it may have on an employer’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives. As Zoomers enter the workforce, and the laws surrounding diversity and inclusion continue to be ever changing, many employers are wondering which topics are safe ground during the recruiting and hiring process. Even more so, as the new generation is seeking more flexibility at work, managers and human resources professionals are balancing the emerging needs of a younger workforce and the demands of operating county government. This session will review best practices for inclusive recruiting, hiring and retention as the workforce transitions from Boomer to Zoomer.

AI and HR: Benefit or Curse? - Renee Montgomery, Esquire and Michael Miller, Esquire from Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises benefits to human resource professionals including:

1) a better interview process for an enhanced candidate experience; 2) a more efficient onboarding cycle for seamless integration; and 3) effective employee engagement to boost retention rate. AI has also sparked new legal challenges including changes to the EEOC guidance and a focus on illegal exclusion created by the use of AI in applicant screening. We will discuss the challenges and best practices involved in embracing AI in the workplace.

How to Use Legal Counsel (An Essential Guide for County HR Manager) – Christopher Gabriel, Esquire and Stephania Fera, Esquire from Gabriel Fera P.C.

This session will identify and explain the five main roles that lawyers can and should play for your county. We will then explore from the lawyer’s perspective the skills and tools available to help us fill those roles effectively. The takeaways from this session should be: 1) an enhanced ability to know when to call in the services of legal counsel, and 2) a more-informed understanding of how to get the most out of your interactions with your lawyers.
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