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County Administration Conference : Register today for the County Administration Conference.  Registration is Now Open!

Budget News Items

Counties Receive No Increase in Funding for Mental Health
Counties recently received confirmation that the county mental health base would not see an increase, despite the increase of $43 million to the overall line.
County Impacts of FY 2022-2023 Budget
CCAP Completes Analysis of Impacts to County Line Items
Governor Signs Budget and Revenue Bills Into Law
On July 11, Gov. Wolf signed one of the final budget bills comprising a revenue package to complete the FY 2022-2023 budget
FY 2022-2023 Bills Pass Senate, Headed to Governor
The Senate approved SB 1100
IFO Issues Official Revenue Estimate for FY 2022-2023
The states Independent Fiscal Office issued its official revenue estimate on June 23.