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Juvenile Probation Officer 2

Job Title:
Juvenile Probation Officer 2
County Name:
York County
Position Summary

Juvenile Probation Officers serve under the auspices of the York County Court of Common Pleas.  Juvenile Probation Officers who are assigned to a "regional caseload" are responsible to supervise and monitor juvenile compliance with conditions of probation and case planning.  In addition, at time regional officers will gather initial case information, make determinations regarding juvenile needs, present recommendations in court, refer juveniles to appropriate service providers, monitor juvenile compliance with conditions of supervision, and determine timetables for recommending discharge.  The officer must give balanced attention to the needs of the community and the victim, as well as to the juvenile offender.  "Regional" officers are typically assigned to oversee a particular geographical area within the County and oversee cases within the City of York limits as well.  Traveling to off-site locations, such as schools, residential facilities, and juvenile residences is an inherent component of Juvenile Probation work, as is a fair degree of documentation and other paperwork. 

Essential Duties and Responsibilities

Case Planning, Management, and Supervision:

  1. Following disposition, Supervisors will assign cases to regional officers.
  2. Adhering to the departmental standards for supervision/visitation, regional officers will monitor compliance with probation and Court Ordered conditions.
  3. When applicable, the officer, in conjunction with the juvenile and guardian, will develop a case plan using SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Limited) to outline the activities to be completed while on probation.A case plan is a written working document and will focus on criminogenic and non-criminogenic areas.
  4. The officer will utilize face-to-face visitation, drug testing, curfew checks, progress reports, and collateral consultations to assess the juvenile's progress and to monitor the terms and conditions of supervision.
  5. The officer is responsible to creatively affirm factual and specific behaviors and utilize incentives and sanctions to respond to both pro-social and non-compliance.
  6. The officer is entrusted with exercising sound judgment in determining when to revoke/violate supervision in cases of chronic non-compliance.
  7. The officer is called upon, in some cases, to detain non-compliant juveniles.

Additional Duties:

  1. When necessary and assigned, regional officers will adhere to the duties and responsibilities as outlined in the Intake Officer Job Description.
  2. Where appropriate, the officer will make referrals to specialty programs or residential placement facilities.
  3. Assist with transports, detainments, and any other duty as assigned
  4. Collect DNA/Fingerprinting when applicable prior to transferring of file
  5. Ensure JOTN's are completed prior to transferring of file
  6. Be JNET and CLEAN certified
  7. This officer may need to facilitate or co-facilitate various curriculums or cognitive based programs
  8. Enter pertinent information into PAJCMS, including address/phone updates and calendar entries                     


  1. The officer will at all stages of the process maintain open and timely communication with their supervisor.
  2. The officer should possess the professional alliance traits that have been identified for juvenile justice professionals in PA.
  3. The officer is required to become skilled in the completion of the risk and need assessment, motivational interviewing, and effective case plan development.
  4. The officer is mandated to complete and submit detailed and accurate timesheets on a weekly basis.
  5. The officer will be required to attend meetings as scheduled by their supervisor.
  6. The officer will comply with the Court Dress Code Policy.
  7. Although typical hours of work are first shift, the officer is expected to work some evening and weekend hours to effectively carry out their duties.
  8. The officer will be issued work-related equipment.The officer is responsible for the proper and safe care of said, and must financially reimburse the employer for any lost or negligently-damaged equipment.
  9. In compliance with JCJC standards, the officer is responsible to complete a minimum of forty (40) hours of continuing training per fiscal year.
    The JPO must understand and accept that an element of physical danger is inherent to the job, even with proper safety training and equipment.  As well, enforcing conditions of supervision amongst resistant clientele at times subjects the JPO to verbal assailment and/or threats of retaliation.

Essential Requirements

  1. Education:
    • A Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice or a related social service field with at least 18 credits of a criminal justice/social services concentration.
  2. Experience:
    • Prior employment, volunteer service, internship, etc. working with adolescents.  
  3. Skills:
    • Above average ability to express thoughts orally and in writing.
    • Basic ability to use word processing/email software
    • Proficiency in working harmoniously with diverse types of people
    • Ability to work at a fast pace and to multitask responsibilities
    • Basic skills regarding interviewing, motivating, and managing clientele
  4. Character:
    • A willingness to comply with departmental and Court policies
    • A commitment to honesty, excellence, and professionalism in the workplace
    • A genuine interest in the well-being of adolescents and families
  5. Clearances:
    • Criminal Background Investigation
    • Child Abuse History
    • FBI Fingerprinting
  6. Other:
    • Valid Driver's License and Vehicle Insurance
    • Ability to carry out the physical and mental requirements of the job

Other Requirements

Evenings and Weekends as necessary and when assigned.

Posting Date:
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Expiration Date:
Monday, February 28, 2022
Contact Name:
Luana Taylor